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5 Differences Between E8s pro & E8s Range Maker

Edit 27/4/24

Difference number 5 has been removed by Metro so newer Range Maker bikes have same parking system as E8s pro, also what I missed in this list is that lights button system is much better on Range maker although Pro is still the Pro!


5 Differences Between E8S Pro & E8S Range Maker

Both bikes have same looks but there are 5 main differences that will effect your day to day usage

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1. Motor Power

This is the biggest difference, while we got the truck pulling power of 2000 watts Yadea TTFAR motor on E8S Pro, on E8S Range Maker we get half the power, although it's still Yadea TTFAR so you are not missing on Regen. Lower motor power means your top speed is reduced and your mileage/charge is increased.

E8S Pro:

      60-65 km/h

      125 km Eco Mode / 80-110 km Power Mode

E8S Range Maker:

      45 km/h with 20sec boast to 55 km/h

      155 km Eco Mode / 135 km Power Mode

2. Rim Size

Unlike E8S Pro that has 12" Rims, E8S Range maker comes with 10" rims, this does add to a bit more smoother ride but effects ground clearance reducing it from 145mm to 140mm on Range maker. Also smaller Rim means smaller discs and smaller shocks.

3. Side Stand Sensor

Metro is loved for its side stand sensor in the bikes it offers, but you don't get that in Range Maker. Although Metro has countered that masterfully in a way that we will discuss at number 5.

4. Adjustable Shocks

So your shocks are no more adjustable on E8S Range Maker. Nothing more to say here.

5. Parking Mode (It seems that Metro has removed this difference in its newer stock & some newer E8s pro have this instead now so it's "check the ride you buy to know" now)

Unlike all other models, in E8S Range Maker you to press break and Parking button both to get the bike to ready mode and then it goes back to parking mode in just 5sec, personally I think this is awesome. This also helps us to not miss parking sensor that much but..... We still do miss it!

There might be some other minor differences, like the lights...... I leave that detail to you. Tell me what other differences you can find?

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