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A700 User Experience here

Salaam to all friends,

This thread is to share your Commander A700 user Experience, what you like/dislike, share it all in comments here.


It will help interested buyers a lot!

Hi There. 

well in my A700 I almost like every think except it doesn't have a specific Parking button and there isn't any stand sensor in this scooter. otherwise this scooter check all required option.

Headlights perform really good in dark night.

battery life is good with mode 3 it can give more than 100 km millage.

1500W motor have enough torque to carry heavy loads even on overhead bridges it work fine with 2 person.

on full drain it takes around 8 hours for full charge.

it takes around 3.3 to 3.5 units if batteries are fully drained.

This scooter also produce sounds when we use hazard lights. and also make sound when scooter go to Park mode.

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